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  neuron name synonyms neuron class 1 neuron class 2 areas of arborization
1PFS2pontine fiber system 2central complex neuronpontine fiber systemsFB (layer 1), FB (layer 6)
2PFS1pontine fiber system 1central complex neuronpontine fiber systemsFB (layer 3), FB
3FBN1fan shaped body neuron 1central complex neuronfan-shaped body intrinsic neuronFB
4Fm3F-neuron, F medial 3central complex neuronfan-shaped neuron (F-neuron)ventral FB, (outside the CX)
5Fm2F-neuron, F medial 2central complex neuronfan-shaped neuron (F-neuron)ventral FB, (outside the CX)
6Fm1F-neuron, F medial 1central complex neuronfan-shaped neuron (F-neuron)FB (layer 2), slpr
7FmF-neuron, F medialcentral complex neuronfan-shaped neuron (F-neuron)ventral FB, (outside the CX)
8Fl7F-neuron, F lateral 7central complex neuronfan-shaped neuron (F-neuron)dorsal part of FB
9Fl6F-neuron, F lateral 6central complex neuronfan-shaped neuron (F-neuron)dorsal part of FB, smpr
10Fl5F-neuron, F lateral 5central complex neuronfan-shaped neuron (F-neuron)LAL, vmpr, mpr, FB
11Fl4F-neuron, F lateral 4central complex neuronfan-shaped neuron (F-neuron)FB, BU
12Fl3F-neuron, F lateral 3central complex neuronfan-shaped neuron (F-neuron)FB, LAL
13Fl2F-neuron, F lateral 2central complex neuronfan-shaped neuron (F-neuron)LAL, FB
14Fl1F-neuron, F lateral 1central complex neuronfan-shaped neuron (F-neuron)FB, NO, LAL
15FlF-neuron, F lateralcentral complex neuronfan-shaped neuron (F-neuron)dorsal FB, (outside the CX)
16ExFl2F-neuron, extrinsic F lateral 2central complex neuronfan-shaped neuron (F-neuron)dorsal FB, (outside the CX)
17ExFl1F-neuron, extrinsic F lateral 1central complex neuronfan-shaped neuron (F-neuron)ventral FB, LAL, (outside the CX)
18ExR1extrinsic ring neuron 1central complex neuronextrinsic ellipsoid body ring neurondistal EB, dorsal FB, LAL, mpr
19CX-SFN (pb-fb)central complex small field neuron (pb-fb)central complex neuron PB, central FB
20CX-SFN (pb-fb-vbo)central complex small field neuron (pb-fb-vbo), HFS (horizontal fiber system)central complex neuronhorizontal fiber system (HFS)PB, FB (layer 4), LAL
21CX-SFN (pb-fb-no)central complex small field neuron (pb-fb-no), VFS (vertical fiber system)central complex neuronvertical fiber system (VFS)PB, ventral FB, NO I, II, III
22CX-SFN (pb-fb-eb1)central complex small field neuron (pb-fb-eb1)central complex neuron PB, EB, FB
23CX-SFN (pb-fb-eb2)central complex small field neuron (pb-eb-eb2)central complex neuron PB, FB, EB
24CX-SFN (fb-no)central complex small field neuron (fb-no)central complex neuron FB, NO II, III
25CX-SFN (fb-ltr2)central complex small field neuron (fb-ltr2)central complex neuron FB, BU
26CX-SFN (fb-ltr1)central complex small field neuron (fb-ltr1)central complex neuron FB, BU
27CX-SFN (fb-eb2)central complex small field neuron (fb-eb2)central complex neuron FB, EB
28CX-SFN (fb-eb1)central complex small field neuron (fb-eb1)central complex neuron dorsal FB, central FB, distal EB

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